Gain control of your kitchen, bedroom, bathroom manufacturing business

If your software doesn't, Woodge does.

Our software puts you in the driving seat, allowing you to be in control

Is the growth of your company hampered by long winded systems and manual processes?

Do you use complicated spreadsheets that only a few people in your company understand?

We have spent years developing our Woodge manufacturing software, making it simple to use and completely scalable with your business, we believe running a business doesn’t have to be so hard.

Our consulting gives you support when you need it most

Do you want to get control of your company and grow it, but you’re unsure of the next steps?

Would you like someone who has been in your shoes to help you turn your business around?

We have spent years helping people like you build and grow successful businesses, we can help you achieve the success your hard work deserves.

Who we’ve worked with

We’d love to work with you